Registered Planners with EIA Accreditation

As of July 1, 2022 new requirements have been introduced on environmental impact statements(EIS) for state significant development (SSD) and state significant infrastructure (SSI) projects requiring a review and declaration from a Registered Environmental Assessment Practitioner.  This Scheme introduces new quality assurance measures to ensure suitably qualified practitioners are involved in the preparation and finalisation of environmental impact statements (EIS) for State significant projects. This initiative falls within the broader Rapid Assessment Framework, designed to increase the efficiency and quality of major project assessments.

 We are pleased to share that four members of our team at GYDE – David Ryan, Juliet Grant, Mel Krzus, and Carlo Di Giulio – have been accredited under the PIA REAP scheme. We are well-placed to assist with state-significant projects so please do not hesitate to contact us.